Saturday, January 9, 2010


It has been nine days since all of us have made our New Years resolutions.
I wonder how many of us have already given up.

Cailin and I wrote out new years Resolutions a few days late. Here are mine.

1. Improved Punctuality
2. Read 52 books
3. Cook at home 4 times a week
4. Be a better penpal
5. Improve oral and hygiene and oral hygiene

It has been five days or so since we established them and here is an update.

1. I was 11 minutes late for work on Friday.
2. I read 1 book and haven't read anything since. 40pages a day is more than I bargained for.
3. Cailin made lasagna Thursday, I made pasta on Friday. 2/9 days.
4. I wrote three people!
5. Only special friends will get to know the answer to the first part of this resolution. And well the rest of you can check for yourself if I stink or my teeth are whiter.

I wanted to Wish you all a Happy New Year!


  1. My resolutions were to complain less about the subway, and to bring my lunch to work at least three times a week.

    Complaining less: nope. I ranted to my coworker for like half an hour about bitches who lean against communal poles during rush hour. What a bunch of bitches.

    Bringing my lunch to work: Last week: 0; this week; 4!

  2. I should try to bring my lunch to work, unfortunately I know that won't happen because I'm rarely home enough to make it in the first place.

    Thanks for the comment!
